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*Flat B. Bedroom Piece*
Deeply personal performance and interactive installation chronicles my recovery journey

from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

Performance delves into themes of isolation, changeability, and the fleeting nature of ideas, reflecting the disorienting experience of recovering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Drawings on the walls will appear and disappear, symbolising the intense yet transient emotions associated with BPD.

The installation aims to evoke the feeling of "all for nothing," a sentiment often felt during recovery, while also acknowledging the impact of these moments. By inviting viewers into this intimate, ever-changing space, I hope to offer insight into the lived experience of BPD and foster understanding and empathy. The rawness of the installation underscores the chaotic nature of the disorder while also highlighting resilience and creativity.


​Ellie Bradford
I am a multimedia artist, predominately focused on video, drawings and performance work. I often refer to living experience, mental health issues actively engaging with the Tottenham and Haringey community centre supporting
I have an MA from Chelsea College Art and Design and BA from Leeds Met. My most Recently awarded A Global Art Prize from the Film Tottenham Festival, and exhibited my work at the Bomb Factory in Holborn.

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